1. A different sort of Spiderman

Pictures were taken in an abandoned five-story building on the outskirts of Samara in Russia. In one of the apartments, holes were made in the walls, through which the artist was able to secure his boards.

Find the artist’s Instagram account here.
2. The Mechanical Turk

In the 18th century, an unbeatable chess-playing “machine” called The Turk toured Europe, infamously defeating the likes of Ben Franklin and Napoleon Bonaparte. The Turk was hailed as a great feat of artificial intelligence — until, of course, it was revealed that it was no machine at all, but a mechanical puppet controlled by a human chess master who hid in a box under the board.
There’s an excellent podcast about this on Slate.
3. Bridal Make-up for Princess Lalla Nouzha, sister of the King of Morocco

Found on Pinterest.
4. Sophia Hadji Panteli

Model, social reject who found her people and founder of #UnibrowMovement.
Found on Instagram.
5. Robin Lee Graham

In 1966, 16-year-old Robin Lee Graham departed Los Angeles in a 29 foot sloop called Dove. Graham returned 1,739 days later. He sailed around the globe alone, his only shipboard company in those five years an ever changing crew of cats.

National Geographic Magazine carried the story, and he co-wrote a book, titled Dove, detailing his journey.
Found on Tumblr.
6. Vincent Olinet’s Waterbeds

More on his instagram / website.
7. This Dream Film Scout Location

Zoar is a very small village about 40 miles south of Akron. Built in 1833, the hotel still stands but is no longer in use.

The Zoar Hotel is owned by the Ohio Historical Society and is currently awaiting interior renovation.
Found here.
8. Gyroscopically balanced monorail, Brennan and Scherl, 1907

Found on Danismm.
9. The impossibly adorable Honduran White Bat

These are adult bats, each about 2 inches long.
Found on Reddit.
10. This Jewellery Maker

Photographed by A Clothes Horse, available to shop here.
11. Lemony Snicket Reveals His Edward Gorey Obsession in an Upcoming Animated Documentary
More information about Christopher Seufert’s Gorey documentary, with animations by Ben Wickey and the active participation of its subject during his final four years of life, can be foundhere.
12. This Lovely Miniature Cabinet of Curiosities

Available on Etsy.