1. An essential resource
A few favourites from the glossary…
Ain’t that a bite: that’s too bad
Angel: One who pays the bill
Ankle biter: child
Apple butter: smooth talk or flattery
Are you writing a book?: you’re asking too many questions
Back seat bingo: making out with a girl in a car
Bad news: a person who rejects a beatnik
Bake biscuits: to make records
Beakel: Tourist
Can the lip: stop talking
Classy chassis: great body
Claws sharp: to know a lot about a lot of subjects
Come on snake, let’s rattle: let’s dance
Cop a breeze: to leave
Find the (Mostly) Complete Beatnik Dictionary here.
2. Edward Hopper’s Sketches for “Nighthawks”
“How Edward Hopper Storyboarded ‘Nighthawks’” in 1942, article found on Art News.
3. A 17th Century Sex Manual
An erotic book written and published in Paris in 1655. Of course the book shocked and appalled the masses, the editors were arrested and all the copies found in their apartment were seized and burned in protest.
Found on Whores of Yore.
4. The Morphine Queen who defied the Nazis
This Prussian baroness wrote erotic poetry and mainlined morphine until Nazis took exception to her flair for decadence.
Full article found on Ozy.\
5. The last German Crown Princess and Crown Princess of Prussia
The lovely Duchess Cecilie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, found while researching The Princess Pretenders.
6. Fading Battlefields of World War I
The preserved battlefield is the grounds on which the Newfoundland Regiment made their unsuccessful attack on July 1, 1916, the opening day of the Battle of the Somme. (© AP Photo)
The gate of the destroyed chateau de Soupir (Soupir castle), near the famed “Chemin des Dames” (Ladies Path) along which WWI battles were fought © Francois Nascimbeni/ AFP
Full photostory found on The Atlantic. Read about the The Real “No-Go Zone” of France.
7. Hollywoodland in 1932
3358 Deronda Dr. Found on Vintage Los Angeles.
8. The oldest working Hollywood actor

Photograph by Art Streiber.
He played tennis with Charlie Chaplin, worked with Orson Welles, and was Hitchcock’s saboteur.
Norman Lloyd is an American actor, producer and director with a career in entertainment spanning eight decades. He has worked in every major facet of the industry including radio, theatre, television and film dating back to the Great Depression, and at 103 years of age is the oldest working Hollywood actor as of 2018.
Found on Vanity Fair.
9. The Brief Musical Career of Norman Bates
Anthony Perkins is so well-known for his portrayal of Norman Bates, the cross-dressing killer in Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho”… I’m here to tell you Norman Bates knew how to swing like Sinatra, baby. This is a fact.
Found on Dangerous Minds.
10. “How to Build your Own Television Receiver”
Found on Kitschatron.
11. What Happens if China Makes First Contact?
As America has turned away from searching for extraterrestrial intelligence, China has built the world’s largest radio dish for precisely that purpose…
Full article found on The Atlantic.
12. The World’s Spiciest Ice Cream (requires you to sign a death waiver)
A demonic invention from Aldwych Cafe in Glasgow, Scotland, found on Nerdist.
13. The Guy who decided to live on a Cruise Ship for the Rest of His Life