1. When the Centro Universitario of Mexico abbreviated all over their sports uniforms: Top row, second from left: “Not me!” 2. Tobacco Companies getting away with it: 3. ‘Alfonso’, not trying to look like anyone in particular at all: 4. When women thought they had options: 5. When this book did…
Filmed in 1959, The Way to Beauty shows the lengths women went to 50 years ago in trying to shed the pounds and turn back the clock. Therapies included sticking your face into a blender, covering yourself in candle wax and strapping electrical wires to your head. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmYknRtZUmc&feature=plcp] Via British Pathé ::: YOU MIGHT…
I was watching the newly released documentary Mansome last night (definitely rent it on iTunes) and on the subject of the history of men’s grooming products, they showed a few quick clips of old cologne commercials. One stood out in particular, with the narrator’s thick French accent and a scenario straight out of a James…
“The ultimate fashion climax”. Wait, what? I’m not sure which I find more amazing; the jumpsuits themselves, the absolute seriousness of the bearded models or the advertising copy… Take a closer look at the small print in these priceless advertisements from the 1970s, describing the fashion ‘climax’ a certain generation would probably rather forget. “Fits…
How parents let their children near any of these bunnies is beyond me. Sorry for possibly ruining your Easter with this post, but really, what is Easter if not just another holiday that makes you fat? And why are most bunny costumes absolutely terrifying? Down with the sweaty man in the creepy bunny suit. More…
Just a little peak into the absurdities of the fitness industry’s past! “How the Waist was Won” 1982 “More Jazzercise” 1982 “Miss Piggy’s Aerobic Workout” 1982 “Go for it!” 1982 “Aerobics for the Family” 1982 “Fitness in Motion and Relaxation” 1982 …