1. Unsung Girl Groups of the 70s and 80s
More big hair and lip gloss found on Dangerous Minds.
2. Tiny Mice Shops Appear in Sweden
Inside a basement window in the neighborhood of Möllevången in Sweden, a tiny bakery and a “cheese and cracker” shop, just the right size for mice.
Follow the Anonymous Instagram account to keep an eye on the magical mice shops popping up around Sweden.
3. The ‘Ancient Lights’ Windows of England
In many old brick buildings around London, you’ll find signs saying ‘Ancient Lights‘ marked beneath individual windows… The phenomenon is not unique to London. ‘Ancient Lights‘ signs can be found in Dorset, in Kent and in many places across England. What are they?
‘Ancient Lights’ or the ‘Right to light’ is an English property law that gives house owners the right to receive natural light from and through a window if that particular window has been receiving light uninterrupted for 20 years. Once a person gains the right to ancient lights, the owner of the adjoining land cannot obscure them, such as by erecting a building, raising a wall or planting trees.
Read more on Amusing Planet.
4. This House For Sale
$400,000/ 3 bedroom, Snohomish, Washington. Listed here.
5. St Elmo Ghost Town, Colorado
Founded in 1880, nearly 2,000 people settled in this town when mining for gold and silver started. The mining industry started to decline in the early 1920s, and in 1922 the railroad discontinued service. The community is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the St. Elmo Historic District. It is one of Colorado’s best preserved ghost towns.
6. Two female moonshiners arrested by federal agents (1921)
Found on Stuff about Minneapolis from the Minnesota Historical Society.
7. Television News: Can it be DONE?
From Scoops magazine in the UK, 1934/1935. Found on Pinterest.
8. Illustrator doodles over Animal Pictures
Rohan Sharad Dahotre, found via Under Consideration
9. These Hand-painted Leather iPhone Cases
Their shop is here.
10. Just This
From this ridiculously perfect instagram account.
11. A school bus in northern Maine, 1930
Found on Vintage Everyday
12. This Epic Gingerbread Castle
Made by Christine McConnell for Food.com
13. From Auschwitz to the White House – The Story of a Jewish Tailor