As you can imagine, I collect a lot of images from the internet. And sometimes, I need to unload them to clear some space on the old laptop. So this is me, doing that, in a meaningful way. I hope you’ll find the theme of today’s spring clean larger than life…

Above: A security guard walking down US Highway 101 where there are towering stacks of hollow iron floats from which the iron antisubmarine nets were suspended to protect the US ports during the last war. Photography by Hank Walker in 1953.

A Man Standing In The Lumberyard Of Seattle Cedar Lumber Manufacturing, 1939 (c) Alfred Eisenstaedt

Crib trestle bridge of the Columbia & Nehalem Valley Railroad at the McBride Creek, ca.1905 / source

Pacific Electric Railway cars piled atop one another at junkyard on Terminal Island, Calif., 1956. Read about the deliberate campaign to kill the electric-powered streetcars is known as the General Motors conspiracy here.

Workers pose during construction of 60-story tall Chase Manhattan Bank headquarters in NYC, 1959.

Large coat sale in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1936

Opening ceremony of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games

The Palace of the Soviets that never was. Construction started in 1937, a huge basement for the palace was constructed before the World War II. It was terminated by the German invasion in 1941. In 1990s, the foundation of the Palace was used for the re-construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior– via Russia Trek

The metro at Saint-Michel in Paris was built above ground first and then literally sunk below street level after the tunnels were dug out. More photos of the time they dug up Paris here.

Hoover Dam turbine construction, 1933-1935 (c) Bureau of Reclamation

Construction of the Hoover Dam. February 1934 (c) Bureau of Reclamation

The thinker, Mulholland dam, c1930. Photo by Hiromu Kira

The excavation crew in Pit X at Ur, Iraq, 1933 (c) British Museum

French archeologist Joseph Hackin exploring The Buddhas of Bamiyan, Afghanistan, 1931.

Tourist next to the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan photo by Edmund Melzl in 1958

Early days of electricity, Pender Street 1914. City of Vancouver (c) City of Vancouver Archives

Weapons factory, Woolwich, London 1917

American soldiers returning after V-E Day to New York harbour on a crowded ship 1945. Official U.S. Navy from the New-York Historical Society

Bison skulls to be used for fertilizer, 1870

A stack of barrels ready to be set on fire during the prohibition era.

People pose on the Fieldbrook stump, probably the largest redwood tree in the world, Humboldt County, California, 1890’s. It was cut down to satisfy a drunken bet about making a table big enough to seat 40 guests from a single slice of tree-trunk.

August 1907, Men stand on piles of cut trees in rural New York (c) US Govt Agriculture Forest Service

The Great Conservatory at Chatsworth House, England. Demolished after World War I when most of the plants had died due to neglect and the rationing of coal needed to heat it. (c) Chatsworth

Passengers boarding British airship R101, 1929. The R101 crashed in France on it’s maiden overseas voyage, killing 48 of the 53 aboard. It is likely that this photo was taken as passengers were boarding for the doomed flight.

Take a tour inside the FBI’s colossal fingerprint factory here.

The house that Donald Trump couldn’t buy. circa 1991. The time Donald Trump’s empire took on a stubborn widow and lost – source.

Offshore and subsea facilities on their way out to sea.

Dwight Eisenhower was the first U.S. President to use a teleprompter during the 1952 presidential campaign (c) Life Magazine by Alfred Eisenstaedt